Contact Us

New Westminster Teachers' Union
209 - 800 McBride BLVD
New Westminster, BC V3L 2B8

President:  Kristie Oxley

Phone:  (778) 789-5713

email:   lp40@bctf.ca

1st VP:  Darryl Schelp


2nd VP:  Sarah Wethered


Office Manager:  Meaghan Chabot
Phone:  (604) 526-8990

email:   nwtuadmin@telus.net

email:  nwtuofficeassistant@telus.net

Contact Information

If you would like to speak to someone in the office, please call

604-526-8990 during the following hours:  

Monday to Friday  

9:00 am - 4:30 pm

When school is in session from September - June